Founded in 2014, Floréal, based between Paris and Montreal and led by Avi Amar alongside producer Katayoun Dibamehr, is committed to discovering, supporting and sustaining talents with a singular gaze and solid artistic ambitions, both in cinema and immersive formats (XR). Since its creation, Floréal has produced or co-produced several works, including the highly acclaimed Minimum Mass (Cristal at Annecy 2020), The Hangman at Home (Grand Jury Prize at Venice 2020 and The Masque d'or at NewImages 2021), Goliath: Playing with Reality (Grand Prix à Venise en 2021 et nommé aux Emmy Awards – News & Documentary Award en 2022), Conann (Cannes – Quinzaine des Cinéastes en 2023) et Maya : Naissance d’une Super-héroïne (Festival de Cannes – compétition Immersive en 2024).

58 rue de Monceau
75008 Paris - France

Floréal is a member of the SPI, PXN, UNIFRANCE.
SAS au capital de 45.000 € - Siret : 802 176 016 00045 - APE : 5911C